Tuesday, July 29, 2008


chinese horoscope:
Zoom on your professional life: your competence will be readily recognized. However, be careful not to spoil everything by excessive vanity--or by excessive modesty, which practically has the same effects. Snuff out your perfectionism. Let others execute some of your obligations: accept their aid even though the result will not be perfect. Make use of more diplomacy in your relationships with elder persons for you'll have difficulty avoiding some disagreements with them.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

new last.fm entry on whartscape

new last.fm journal: whartscape

covered whartscape this weekend. pretty rad.


chinese horoscope for today

You'll find a solution to some of your problems in a trip, a contact with foreigners. There'll be a question mark hanging over certain aspects of your work. Cardiac palpitations seem probable. You'll find a solution to some of your problems in a trip, a contact with foreigners. Fruitful discussions with your spouse or children. Your heart may make a delicious leap today as you'll meet a very charming person. Your life will move, evolve, be transformed--suddenly, unexpectedly; be ready for the change.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

song for the day, for the year

red house painters, "grace cathedral park"

a rare and blistering sun shines down
on grace cathedral park
there with you i fear the time
when air gets dark
you know i don't spend days like this
caught up in lost times of youth that i miss

can almost hear rollercoasters
see sailboats in the sea
hear noise and screaming
weaving in and out of
happy music box sounds

but here on the ground
we're so far away from that
time turned older now

we walked down the hill
i feel the coming on
of the fading sun
and i know for sure
that you'll never be the one
it's the forbidden moment that we live
that fires our sad escape
and holds passion more that words can say

tell me why are you like this
are you the same with anyone?
save me from my sickness and tell me
why do you treat me like?
tell me why are you like this
are you the same with anyone?
save me from my sickness and tell me
why are you like this??

going to make this come true

my chinese horoscope today:
Your love affairs will be well-favored; the support of the stars will allow you to establish deeper and richer relationships. You'll be inhabited by great optimism; everything will suddenly become easy for you and for those who're around you. You'll be at the same time active, dynamic, and quite relaxed. Astral climate very favorable to taking a good resolution concerning your health. Why not, for instance, decide definitely to stop smoking? If you do so, you'll have nothing to lose but possible lung cancer and cardiovascular troubles.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

ancient chinese horoscope

If you wish to found a family, you could this time meet the one who will give you the desire to stabilize your life. Don't see too large, for you may make yourself crushed by your own grandiose projects. Curb your expenses; don't do the big purchase that you've been considering since some time, despite the various incitements by the vendor. Refrain from gambling because it'll be apt to diminish your determination in more than one field of activity. With the help of the stars, you'll know this time how to transform the negative elements of your personality into positive factors.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

in dog years

i've finally passed this past year
like a stone, gave it up like the ghost
of me. spending the holidays sleeping in
in my old house in my old town,

all fever and spit and sweat, rusted
throat, hurts to swallow this down.
the dentist, the barber, the doctor
all aid my convalescence. i am being

reserved with my resolutions, taking time
with my plans, careful to clean this
slate right, so i won't let you down again.
the dog year lays down to die, a mongrel

carcass, i shudder the dust from my wings,
extend that old span, strike skyward,
then circle back to pick at its bones
with my carrion maw.

All Star

I like these subway ads...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

the fire still burns

such an underrated band...

giving up the ghost

"And when those relationships about same have been and are such that those conditions arise wherein there is the lack of harmonious effects that are possible, then as He hath given, put at naught those experiences, those influences. Let them be rather as they were not."
- edgar cayce, reading 854-4