Friday, August 8, 2008

crazy dream... night headache

i am visiting home with mogolodi for some reason. we are walking down the streets near my parents' house with other people. a girl walking on the other side of the street makes eyes with mogolodi and i get jealous. we get to my old house, and zachary and james are there, playing soccer in the front yard. my parents are getting home from a trip, and my mom has brought me back a sweatsuit. zachary and james are wearing theirs, but i don't want to try mine on. i think my mom gets upset. things get ugly later with lauren there...

i am now exploring the origin of the rapper 50 cent. i see him as a young boy, and his younger persona alternates between a young hispanic boy and a coery-haim-ish white kid. i have trouble picturing how he morphed into what he looks like now. i learn (as the dream becomes a documentary) that he drank a lot of vitamin water while lifting weights to become an enormous black man.

the movie shifts to an outdoor scene in los angeles, we are looking at the beach, at what looks like a pool ladder going from the street to the sand. jeff dachis is there, either narrating or giving play-by-play, and it seems he has seen this movie before. he can't wait for the part where the wheelchair jumps the ladder railing. i look down the street to my right and sure enough, a crew of old men in wheelchairs approaches, with flags streaming from their chairs and i think they are all wearing track outfits and sweatbands.

i am now on the beach with leslie, or kara, or kate, or all three in one and she complains that she only buys the soundtrack to the movie that we are in if it has the no knife song on it. i tell her that no knife is the same dude from jejune, but in my mind i am actually picturing the guy from at the drive-in / sparta (as i type this at the drive-in comes on my shuffle, weirding me out).

i am now in a newbury comics, working again, or returning to work for fun. i know some of the coworkers, some i do not. the guy from no knife / jejune / at the drive-in comes in to buy parkas with two hot babes. there is some kind of talent show or concert going on (and i think the young version of 50 cent - the hispanic one - preforms). i begin sorting records.

i am now in las vegas with josh rubin. i learn that we have been on a business trip that also coincided with a baseball tour of america. it is super sunny out, and kind of like a theme park. we have just come from st. louis and kansas city. he begins pointing out where different people i know have vacation homes. i think he turns into peter crupi as he exlpains where ray dorman's house is. joel is at a table for some reason, and a girl with green hair walks by.

1 comment:

  1. Nice... Glad to MC the happenings and goings on in your head...
