Sunday, August 10, 2008

home dreams, too weird to spell out

so many crazy dreams last night... i'm afraid the narrative would make no sense... and frankly, makes no sense to me in trying to remember it. however, last night included all of the following:
- omnious, old fashioned backyard family party involving apparitions and games of catch; discussion with my cousin kelli who morphs into donnie and emily
- going to the bathroom in an italian restaurant, which turns into a voice-over guided tour by one of the employees who professes to be upstairs "making garlic paste"
- staying in a hotel with a leslie amalgam, trying to go snowboarding and to a party for my brother, but getting distracted by getting wasted
- bad, bad snowstorm, hanging out with josh rubin in his apartment, which has basically become cool hunting embodied, weird gadgetry and things all over the place (the snow officials come on the television to say they don't have enough gas to plow the streets)
- hating manny ramirez

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