Friday, October 31, 2008

i inadvertantly dressed up as boston for halloween

1. read yellow shirt. i picked it because it has knives on it. they're from amherst / boston.
2. converge hoodie. duh.
3. sox hat. staple.
4. my dad's varsity jacket. from boston tech. says "technical" across the back, "tex" on the sleeve.

my shuffle was very very good to me on the way to work

Moss Icon – Familiar Presides
Minor Threat – In My Eyes
Youth of Today – Wake up and Live
Suicidal Tendencies – I Shot the Devil
Ten Yard Fight – The Only Way
108 – Arctic
Mouthpiece – To The Side
American Nightmare – Farewell
Shelter – Enough
A Wilhelm Scream – The Rip
Kid Dynamite – K05-0564
The Bouncing Souls – Fight To Live
American Nightmare – Hearts
Murder City Devils – Cradle To The Grave

i will get rich and won't have to lift anything

thank you chinese horoscope!

"You'll live a day without financial problems and may even have good money in or get a pay raise. Your children may perhaps give you trouble, but don't despair! Pains in the lumbar zone may make a comeback; don't lift too heavy weights. You'll have every reason to expect agreeable events and an affective life as harmonious as possible."

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

kirsten dunst dream

i am in a poetry or art class. the class is held in an old hippie van. the professor was friends with michael bloomberg back in the day. they were hippies together. there are lots of pictures of michael bloomberg with no shirt and long hair taped to the van.

there is a girl in the class. i like her. but i am dating kirsten dunst. so i break up with kirsten. i break a heart-shaped dog treat in half and tell her it's through.

i go back to class and the new girl is there. she is small, blond, familiar somehow. during naptime we have sex with her friend's encouragement on a bunk in the van.

after class i walk though central park and am caught up in a mexican soccer match. i make it though and go down to the southern part of the park. yuppies sunbathe and make out.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

canada day

canada trip was great, but crazy. had lots of work to do. lots of people to meet.

toronto was fun. surprised by how big it was. we flew into the downtown airport, which sits on an island in the harbor.

ottawa is a little more traditional and smaller. had tons of good food.

glad to be home, but am just reminded of how much i have to do.

figuring out the samhain. figuiring out what to do.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

makes jack a dull boy

work continues to be bananas.

need this break, big time. heading to toronto and ottawa for a wedding.

peace out.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Cute Overload! :)


good drinks, good friends

long day at work, dog tired.

quiet dinner. recession ramen and honey mustard chips. blueberry beer.

put on my best blue collar and went down to matchless. two for one drinks on tuesdays. talked with ken for a long time. he's doing well. the bar got crowded and we got drunk.

met up with friends at a home-made art party. one more drink and went home.

remembered my apple for my walk today.

don't hate the player

i can't help it, it is in the stars

"You'll perfectly know how to present your profile most advantageously and convince the most skeptical people. With your close ones, you'll also make use of your increased magnetism and this will work wonders. You can profit by useful sympathies and supports coming from persons of the other sex. Don't any longer believe so firmly that material possessions and honors bring about happiness. You can give a finishing touch to your most important projects and hatch out a strategy based on efficiency. You'll have the best chances to bring your undertakings to success."

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

today is crazy

tough day at work yesterday. cranked straight through.

had a crazy night too. not so awesome.

continued my streak of awesome mornings by making my recession sandwich special. forgot my apple on the way to work, though, which bummed me out.

work is getting tough. but good to be busy.

drinks tonight with some friends. will be good to relax.

cayce reading

" . . to express love in thine activities to thy neighbor is the greater service that a soul may give in this mundane sphere."

chinese horoscop, i am crossing my fingers

Don't count too much on your friends to solve your money problems. Your home will be for you a haven of peace. Numerous friendly contacts and many new ideas will stimulate your mind and energy; don't hesitate to break routine, to discard clichés, to innovate in all domains. A career promotion may befall you this time. In love, you'll also have much chance, but do not overdo things. Your immune defenses will be weakened; sustain them with vitamins and trace elements.

Monday, October 20, 2008

now i can go back to my regularly scheduled activities

i did everything right. i wore my sox hat. my converge hoodie. my red chucks. but it didn't pan out.

wearing my hat one last day in honor of a good year.

hard to hate on tampa bay. but hard to not think what the sox-dodgers series woulda been like.

we'll get 'em next year.

happy birthday bird!

crossing fingers

"Your sentimental ideal could finally see the day this time: take a good look around you, love will be there waiting for you. You'll need to lead a wholesome and well-structured life. A positive day for speculation and investments; but if you want to invest massively, ask for a specialist's advice. This astral atmosphere will help you to keep a clear head in all circumstances, by calculating the advantages and disadvantages of everything that will present itself to you."

Sunday, October 19, 2008


My favorite holiday.

sox win again, awesome saturday continued

worked all evening. finished just in time to meet for dumplings before the game. wasabi shumai, pork and chive dumplings, sake and tsingtao.

ran down the street to catch the game. power outage in atlanta meant a blackout for the first inning. ran into another sox fan who was tossed out of the bar we were heading to for asking them to switch the tv from hockey to baseball. plan b. our friend's parents were in town. from tampa. rays fans. jumped a cab up to greenpoint to meet them. they were great. was nice to watch someplace mellow and with good friends. they picked up our drinks and left early. sterling and i stayed to the bitter end and i drank too much. sox held on and won a tight game.

up early again, but a little hungover. good coffee and the paper. annie's honey bunnies for breakfast. game 7 tonight. either way, not going out without a fight.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

from monument to masses, awesome saturday

work is still BANANAS but i am plugging away. refuse to lose.

low key friday night... drinks and dinner at work. back to brooklyn for a show at saved tattoo parlour. good stuff. liked the smaller pieces a lot. looked like woodcuts, high contrast, intense dark lines. good crowd - younger bushwick bike messenger types.

over to clem's for a drink with leslie. whiskey and beer. ken met us, fresh from the show. good to see him. he's doing well and its about time. he deserves it.

ran out of time and hit the jmz to the knitting factory to see from monument to masses. amazing. crazy instrumental postrock with political soundbites and samples... super loud. really fun. ran into matt - hadn't seen him in a while.

drunken train ride home, long-ass walk down bedford. burned my mouth on a late night slice from ana maria's. crashed out early.

up early this morning, breakfast at five leaves. a couple stole our table and i got grouchy. farmer's market in mccarren, bought apples for breakfast for the week. got laudry, got groceries... got good.

awesome snacks (spicy hummous, carots pita, and jack cheese) with beer and twin peaks. sox game tonight. keep up the fight.

facebook chinese horoscope 8 ball psychic machine

starting to creep me out with its accuracy

"Physically, you'll feel as well as possible: good nervous resistance, good use of psychic energy, capacity of quick recuperation after sustained efforts. You'll get the best of everyday life. It'll be the moment to renovate your interior and to make it more comfortable, more appealing. In love, in order to preserve all your chances to reach harmony, don't impose your will. In work, spare your collaborators and avoid argument."

Friday, October 17, 2008

last light

had such a shit day. work is bananas and home is a mess. went to bed early after eating leftover vietnamese and having a blueberry beer. continued my bizarre oc bedtime ritual.

almost falling asleep when the text messages started. thought the sox were dead to rights, but my mom was telling me different. when they tied the score, hopped out of bed got dressed, and headed to the palace.

maybe i needed a reason to get my strength back, my focus back. maybe i just needed a lift. opened the door just in time to see an inning-ending double play turned by the sox.

the sox went two quick outs in the bottom of the ninth. youk came up and put up a fight with a long at bat, grounded sharply to third. the throw landed in the stands and youk on second. the rays walked bay, and that left it up to drew. he lined a double over into the bullpen and that was that.

the cardiac kids, the kings of comeback, whatever. sounds corny but my back's been against the wall too. need to start fighting back.

chinese horoscope: kind of right on

Increased luck in gambling, excellent initiatives in various financial transactions. You'll manage to settle a litigious matter definitely. Your energy will be at its top this time, your activities will be intensive and take up all your time; an overflowing energy will stimulate you. You'll stake on the long term in your professional as well as sentimental matters. If you have to make a choice, your preference will go to the one that's most likely to resist time.


Freehands on Cool Hunting

don't let gloves keep you from keeping in touch... josh rubin of cool hunting and his dad teamed up to make touchscreen-friendly gloves... they are pretty badass.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

work week

anxiety mounting. still hard to sleep. had a long day at the office, still cranking, but still lots of hard work to do.

vietnamese and a movie. helped calm me down.

went home, got in bed early, but still woke up tired.

i think i need an extended break sometime soon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

this will self destruct

sox got creamed. seems like a theme these days.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

good times are killing me

work was crazy. seemed like i cranked all day and couldn't get half as much done as i needed.

was supposed to try to leave a little early to watch the sox. ended up getting there for the 5th inning, the sox already down by 5. had good beer and bad, bad food.

went home early. continued my marathon reacclimation with the oc. couldn't sleep again. been a long time since i've had good sleep.

edible ghost

Monday, October 13, 2008

half poem draft

sent to me today, someone found in their inbox

note to self: remember the angular
scales of the boa, the sharp math
of the guitar scale, the smoke in her
hair, her kiss on fire, your lips smoldering.

it was the end of the century, the very
edge of long island, the banks of the east
river being lapped to sleep by dead bodies
and beer bottles. it was the end

of an error, the end
of punishing yourself, the end
of the death of the doppleganger
in the mirror each morning.

lost weekend

soft focus taping on saturday. got to see ian svenonius chat with ted leo about politics and how the crass didn't like cocksparrer. kathleen hannah cancelled and adrock was supposed to fill in, but intermission took too long so we went for burritos.

sat at benny's people watching for a long time. the neighborhood has changed so much in my time here, but i was glad to see the crazies were still here and there.

went for a drink at grassroots while we waited for the afterparty to start. saw a couple metal kids i used to know. one of 'em had a sabbath album he had just picked up. kind of an obvious choice, but whatever work, i guess.

went to lit for the soft focus afterparty. shitloads of free dewar's. ian svenonius' records are way fucking better than mine. we had a good time and got drunk.

hit teddy's for dinner and the sox game. dinner was ok. the game was rough. i drank too much but went home early.

up early on sunday, met friends for brunch at enid's. browsed the new paul smith store and day drank at levee. had light dinner at spuyten, then watched tv with friends. got too drunk again. i need to slow it down.

need to slow it down.

attention we have a hater

being an expert on web-based commentary, i simply had to respond.

according to one "Jerry Thomas:"

"It's so easy to hate everyone.

Too bad sarcastic observational humor went out of style 15 years ago with Jane Anne Garofalo or you would be a riot. 'Go back to Hoboken.' Classic stuff. You're really on the edge hanging out in the East Village.

You should try bringing some positivity to your life, you'll be more productive."

so it seems i've struck a nerve in my jersey readership. relax jerry. i used to have to dress "business casual" to go to a banal yet lucrative corporate job. used to drink a lot at cherry tavern, too (this is an "edgy" east village bar, jerry), and one night i guess i stole some chick's bar stool and she told me to "go back to islip."

she must've been a big fan of this comedian you mention "Jane Ann Garofalo." although, i think it was JERRY seinfeld who was best known for this "out of style" obvservational humor.

anyway, thanks for the laugh, jerry.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

sox hats and asshats

had work drinks at the office then with a couple former coworkers around the corner. was supposed to hit some new york magazine party to see grizzly bear before the game but i ran out of time. went straight to professor thom's for game drinks. it was a zoo. a red sox bar, but filled with the worst of what boston has to offer. chubby or overly muscled rich frat kids and pasty white dweebs. everyone that wasn't wearing a hat had the same fucking hair cut. watched a couple innings before we decided we had to leave.

rolled around the corner to some anonymous sports bar. at least the food wasn't bad and the crowd was thinner. the game was fantastic. the sox had a no hitter going through into the 7th. was a tense tight game and the sox won 2-0, the closer mowing down the side in the bottom of the 9th.

something i noticed was the emergence of a new species: tampa bay fans. a couple years ago you couldn't pay someone from tampa to go to a game and cheer. all of sudden you've got kids with blue mohawks and facepaint. are you fucking kidding me? everybody loves a winner i guess.

even at the bar, some preppy kid was choking down kamikaze shots or lemon drops or some other lady drink, spitting up a little on his sweater, and glaring at me if i clapped for the sox.

even worse were the boy band rejects that tried to mock me by saying "i love sports!" and trying to give a me high five when the sox won. they thought better of it quickly. i don't know if they thought they were "edgy" or "alternative" or something because they wore their shirts untucked. i hope they made it back to hoboken in one piece.

up early today... dealing with laundry and getting my suit ready for my trip to canada. need to get into the city soon. seeing a taping of a tv show that's hosted by ian svenonius from the nation of ulysses. today he's interiewing ted leo from chisel and kathleen hannah from bikini kill. after party at lit with free whiskey.

sox game tonight. hopefully meathead-free.

Friday, October 10, 2008

burned slices and birthday beers

decided to wait in line for a slice of pizza rather spend 12 bucks on a budweiser at a shit strip club. i'm all for naked chicks, but not into paying for them. especially the midtown hairsprayed businessman-fantasy type.

ate my slice slow outside artichoke. realized that its only really good if its super fresh. they reheated it too long and it kind of hardened up the fresh mozzarella and shriveled the basil. still one of the best slices in the city.

had birthday drinks at beauty bar. that place is slowly getting worse and worse. it used to be kind of a joke, all the beauty parlor gear and memorabilia. now people get manicure-and-drink specials and it fills up with collared shirts for happy hour. the music is still good, though, but the babes are worse.

trying to sandwich a new york magazine party around watching the red sox in the playoffs. have to find somewhere in the city where i won't get in trouble with tony from bay ridge if i cheer too loud.

continue fighting

You'll be carried away by feelings of generosity and magnanimity, and you won't hesitate to show them. Watch out for the siren song of various sects! This astral benevolence could principally manifest itself in the realm of love; it will satisfy everyone who's looking for a soul mate, just where and when one's hoping for it. Despite your recent difficulties, things will smooth themselves out little by little thanks to a more lenient astral climate. Above all, don't get discouraged; continue fighting for yourself.

"i need to know that there is
trophy and meaning
to all that we lose and all we fight for
to all our loves and our wars
keep breathing
keep living
keep searching
keep pushing on
keep bleeding
keep healing
keep fading
keep shining on
this is for the hearts still beating."
- "last light," converge

Thursday, October 9, 2008

born to burn

been a long time on this road. almost 8 years to the day since i left home.

made this new mix. "10:13:08: born to burn."

if you're lucky, it will hit you soon.

nicholas prefers dinosaurs. ghosts and vodka.

in her shadow.
converge. paid in blood in different beds.

planesmistakenforstars. if i had my way, i swear i’d haunt this place.
devil got my woman. skip james. was nothin’ but the devil, changed my baby’s mind.

black eyed dog. nick drake. i’m growing old and i wanna go home.

exlpain. jeremy enigk. you’ve been gone for some time but i still believe you’ll be here, oh no.

eavesdropping. grizzly bear. i saw you leave the house last night.

josé gonzález. people staring, they know you’ve been broken.

red right ankle. the decemberists. some had crawled their way into your heart to rend your ventricles apart.

snowy atlas mountains. fionn regan. if you pull a hatchet, i’ll pull something to match it.

if winter ends. bright eyes. i’ll give myself three days to feel better or else i swear i’ll drive right off a fucking cliff.

lost verses. sun kil moon. i’ve risen up from the dead with the burning leaves of autumn.

wait at milano. tim barry. if what you seek ain’t free, then steal it.

this old road. kris kristofferson. ain't you come a long way down this old road.

places to go. owen. its your last chance to change things.

there is power in a union (inst.). billy bragg.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

when i was your boy, i went too far

fionn regan, "snowy atlas mountains"

"lost verses," sun kil moon

I’ve risen up from the dead
With the burning leaves of autumn
If only for one last chance
That all of whom have been defeated

best impersonation ever

this is a threat?

Friday, October 3, 2008

holy smokes, really?

Don't be too mistrustful, and think that friendship can very well become love one day, for your greatest joy. Don't evaluate your friendship relations in terms to possible material profit. You'll obtain appreciable results in medical, paramedical, financial, judicial careers, and also in insurances. Take time to take stock of the situation before the onset of important transformations, for it's on your present action and reaction that your destiny and that of other persons will depend.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

born to burn. anthem for the day, converge "trophy scars"

in pure ghost white
i see what was mine
drowned in jet black
that haunts your shadows
endless night begins
this forked road now bends
a forked tongue appears
to lead us astray
all this that i have
is all that you are
cutting for love
a new trophy scar
just not worth the tears
and the penance
not worth the blood
that we both pour
i want to live
without the guilt we give
i want to die without this pain
i want to live
without the guilt we give
i want to die
without your name
without this pain
born to burn
with hell to pay
born to burn
we will someday

weird mom horoscope

Your home life may be in danger if you don't succeed rapidly in getting rid of the hold of your mother or of another person of your own family, especially if he/she acts incorrectly and behaves in your home as in his/her conquered land. Protect your vital space; be intransigent on this score. Affective storms in perspective; the climate will be all the more tense between you and your mate as you won't be ready to recognize your wrongs, encouraged to do this by negative astral aspects.