Saturday, October 18, 2008

from monument to masses, awesome saturday

work is still BANANAS but i am plugging away. refuse to lose.

low key friday night... drinks and dinner at work. back to brooklyn for a show at saved tattoo parlour. good stuff. liked the smaller pieces a lot. looked like woodcuts, high contrast, intense dark lines. good crowd - younger bushwick bike messenger types.

over to clem's for a drink with leslie. whiskey and beer. ken met us, fresh from the show. good to see him. he's doing well and its about time. he deserves it.

ran out of time and hit the jmz to the knitting factory to see from monument to masses. amazing. crazy instrumental postrock with political soundbites and samples... super loud. really fun. ran into matt - hadn't seen him in a while.

drunken train ride home, long-ass walk down bedford. burned my mouth on a late night slice from ana maria's. crashed out early.

up early this morning, breakfast at five leaves. a couple stole our table and i got grouchy. farmer's market in mccarren, bought apples for breakfast for the week. got laudry, got groceries... got good.

awesome snacks (spicy hummous, carots pita, and jack cheese) with beer and twin peaks. sox game tonight. keep up the fight.

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