Saturday, October 11, 2008

sox hats and asshats

had work drinks at the office then with a couple former coworkers around the corner. was supposed to hit some new york magazine party to see grizzly bear before the game but i ran out of time. went straight to professor thom's for game drinks. it was a zoo. a red sox bar, but filled with the worst of what boston has to offer. chubby or overly muscled rich frat kids and pasty white dweebs. everyone that wasn't wearing a hat had the same fucking hair cut. watched a couple innings before we decided we had to leave.

rolled around the corner to some anonymous sports bar. at least the food wasn't bad and the crowd was thinner. the game was fantastic. the sox had a no hitter going through into the 7th. was a tense tight game and the sox won 2-0, the closer mowing down the side in the bottom of the 9th.

something i noticed was the emergence of a new species: tampa bay fans. a couple years ago you couldn't pay someone from tampa to go to a game and cheer. all of sudden you've got kids with blue mohawks and facepaint. are you fucking kidding me? everybody loves a winner i guess.

even at the bar, some preppy kid was choking down kamikaze shots or lemon drops or some other lady drink, spitting up a little on his sweater, and glaring at me if i clapped for the sox.

even worse were the boy band rejects that tried to mock me by saying "i love sports!" and trying to give a me high five when the sox won. they thought better of it quickly. i don't know if they thought they were "edgy" or "alternative" or something because they wore their shirts untucked. i hope they made it back to hoboken in one piece.

up early today... dealing with laundry and getting my suit ready for my trip to canada. need to get into the city soon. seeing a taping of a tv show that's hosted by ian svenonius from the nation of ulysses. today he's interiewing ted leo from chisel and kathleen hannah from bikini kill. after party at lit with free whiskey.

sox game tonight. hopefully meathead-free.


  1. It's so easy to hate everyone.

    Too bad sarcastic observational humor went out of style 15 years ago with Jane Anne Garofalo or you would be a riot. "Go back to Hoboken." Classic stuff. You're really on the edge hanging out in the East Village.

    You should try bringing some positivity to your life, you'll be more productive.

  2. hahahahha. i wouldnt call that making it.
