Saturday, June 28, 2008

home dreams

  1. i seem to be both watching and starring in a documentary about my family. i think that my parents have passed on. the movie is showing a panorama of an apartment building in greenpoint and discussing how my parents were able to finally purchase this building to leave to me and my brother. at some point i am now walking down a street near the building, but it is now east boston. i am walking behind a woman who is an amalgam of my nonnie and my granny. she is walking with a dog and a young version of me. she takes the young me to a barber shop and i follow them in. i become overwhelmingly nostalgic, desperately missing my family and my youth and i wake myself up crying.
  2. i am moving into a loft apartment with heath ledger and his girlfriend. it seems like they are moving in with me, as i am showing them around. the loft is huge, but dark, the windows and ceiling covered with curtains. heath and i discuss where to move these long planks of wood and how to arrange furniture.
  3. the dream morphs into some kind of action movie scene and a pulp fiction-style gunfight erupts between various men in suits and thugs. i am involved somehow, but seem impervious. i think they are shooting lasers?
  4. this dream further morphs into a new apartment dream, i am living on my own, again in greenpoint. in a run-down but spacious fixer-upper with a large backyard. i am happy to have moved in, but soon realize that it is infested with these bugs that come out of the wall near the ceiling, proceed along the rafter, then rain down into the apartment and turn into metal splinters. they hurt when they strike and i am super grossed out. soon a parade of mice begin the same route, but instead of raining down, they escape through a hole into the backyard. jessica alba appears, dressed kind of like the crow - apparently she can communicate with the mice. she tells me they do not wish to stay or wish me harm, but that i need to begin fixing the apartment before they will leave. we share a moment and she leaves. now these large cartoon-like animal things start coming out. they have huge snouts, are dressed in people clothes, and jump down from the rafters and go out the front door. i think the last one wears a bowtie.
  5. i can hear a new bouncing souls song called "bridge and tunnel" about the virtues of bridge and tunnel commuters. evidently the souls no longer live in new jersey.

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