Monday, June 30, 2008

more home dreams

  1. i am working for the new razorfish. except, not like in my real life, like this is a new version, but jeff and evan and karen are there. and jon. we have our offices in an airplane hangar-like structure. soon, we start hiring new employees by the boatload. it is getting really crowded, and there are lots of new faces, some of whom i wouldn't peg as real fits. we begin to develop and buildout the space, and at times it alternates between disney-like indoor villages and department store-like areas with clothing and big screen televisions. i attend a meeting near a rack of clothes, on a couch in front of a fireplace over which hangs a flat screen. a baseball game is on the television. someone's parents are there in the "office." the dream morphs into some kind of documentary about jeff and craig, but they aren't jeff and craig. craig wears goggles and an antique motorcycle or bomber jacket and scarf. the dream ends with an aerial shot of craig eluding police on his motorcycle on a mountain road, speeding towards razorfish II headquarters.
  2. i am snowboarding with the bond peeps. jeff is there. he is snowboarding in a suit and holding a briefcase. he pulls some sweet backside airs and i am impressed that he can do this while holding a briefcase. josh is a bit behind us. i am trying new tricks, but landing awkwardly. at some point, the snow turns brown, and we are now sliding down some kind of slope, and we are all part of some gameshow thing, like running man. at the bottom of the slope is an obstacle course that we have to navigate while avoiding a feral cat. i slip, and the cat catches up to me and begins attacking me, digging into my arm with its claws and biting my hand. i am nervous because part of the game show is that the cat is infected with some kind of deadly disease.
  3. this dream changes, and now this same disease is going to be used in some kind of terrorist plot. i am racing down the highway with my dad (i think), because we are somehow aware that the government has intercepted the terrorists before they could deliver this attack, detained them, quarantined their crude weapons, but are planning on unleashing it on the public anyway in order to blame a foreign power, much like operation northwoods or 9/11. the disease is in some missiles that are stored in huge yellow container crates. i think that's where i am racing with my dad.
  4. i am playing a baseball game for the red sox against the yankees. the "field" is more like a kickball court inside a gymnasium, but it is unmistakably yakees-sox. arod and jeter are on the other side, and terry francona is my manager. we are ahead, barely, in the late innings, but the yankees begin mounting a comeback. francona yanks many regulars off the field, including j.d. drew, and begins to lead his b-squad in some kind of motivational song that sounds like it is from a broadway musical. i am embarrassed momentarily, but have been instructed to remain on the field. soon i am joined by teammates, many of them women. i think jeter hits a smash to the shortstop side of second base, i dive and make the catch, along with an african man who reach over head to also try to catch the ball. sox win.

1 comment:

  1. this is some awesome bizarre shit... i like the part of me doing backside airs in a suit with briefcase
