Tuesday, June 24, 2008

lots of dreams last night

  1. i am having some kind of huge birthday soiree outside at my estate. i have invited all kinds of people, and there are people there from all different parts of my life. it is night, my estate is on a huge grassy hillside. there are lots of ex-girlfirends and potential new ones, and i feel nervous that they'll all run into each other. someone makes a comment about how many hot people are there and i get angry that my cover might be blown. i try to get some guests to come down the hill with me to have a drink - there is a desire to get really wasted for some reason. danielle is there, seated at a table, of which there are many, all down the hillside. maybe some teepees too. i try to get her to come with us, but she is sitting with friends and has just gotten back to the party. they are all in gowns. she seems dismissive, but for some reason, we hold hands momentarily before i move on with sterling and others. we walk around the front of the estate, and the only place open is an ice cream parlor and bar to the left of the estate. we go in, and the lights go out - it is about to close. the old men running the shop are ready to help us for last call, and we get weird looks from the old men patrons. the alarm sounds....
  2. i am in my family's house in wakefield. aaron contacts me about a girl who wants to go on a date with me, in japan. i agree, it sounds promising, and fun - i've never been to asia. i go to the bathroom to get ready, then go to the kitchen to tell my mom. mike comes up the back stairs to hang out - i tell him the story and he is excited for me that i am trying to meet new girls, glad that i am not going back to jenna. jenna wants to get breakfast the next day and i am worried that i won't make the trip back in time. this adds a ton of stress, because i know there will be trouble. i think my dad takes me to the airport. for some reason my flight goes through china first, and the next thing i know, i am at the airport in china. i have a ticket, but my flight to japan is almost about to take off - somehow i have almost missed it. i approach the gate agent, and she summons the pilot, who allows me to board despite the fact that i haven't been searched by security. he instructs me to sit by one of the wings, as that will be the best place for me to be in case i do blow something up. i am led down a corridor towards the plane by a group of japanese who are speaking english. i think to take some pictures, but then decide the shops and restaurants are too boring. i board the plane, which looks like a huge asian restaurant, with tiered seating. i am a bit confused - the pilot passes and he once again instructs me where to sit, but i can't find the wings. in the front are bleacher seats - i approach, looking for an asian woman who i realize is my guide. as i get closer i see karen on the plane, and sitting next to her is melissa. i speak to both of them briefly before my guide shows me where to go. as i approach the section of seats where i belong, a young couple and their mother try to jostle me for the seat i want. i sit anyway, and we look out onto the water by the wing. the plane arrives in japan 7 hours later, i have a voicemail from my blind date, but i don't know where to meet her. i am really nervous about what to tell jenna. at some point, i leave the plane while it taxis to use the bathroom and get lost in a labyrinth of airport hallways. some attendants show me a memorial to a man who dies doing the same thing - he got lost for 7 hours and died.
  3. i am at a bakyard bbq at gillis' barn. matt is not there but gerry is. it is crowded with people from all eras of my life. people from wakefield high school, townies, are being wise asses and cracking jokes and starting fights. i explore the house a bit and think about moving in - i have suspicions that it is haunted. danielle is there, and is again dismissive to me, so i go out front. there is a billboard for a hipster party in the city painted onto the front of gillis' barn. there is a group of bmx bikers using the front porch as a jump. jared is there doing sweet jumps. i have a bike suddenly and take a cruise around the jump, but decide to not go over it, afraid for my ankle.
  4. something science fiction about blackbirds and whitemonkeys.
  5. my mom tells me she hates my black jeans.

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